Creating A Work From Home Routine With Your Dog

Creating A Work From Home Routine With Your Dog

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Creating A Work From Home Routine With Your Dog
To some, working from home sounds like some type of nirvana: no commute time, more flexible hours, and the ability to wear pajamas every day. To others, the social isolation and lack of a formal workspace can be intimidating and less-than-ideal for your productivity levels. If you’re transitioning to work from home, only one thing is certain: your dog is SUPER excited to spend so much time with you! While getting 24/7 puppy love sounds like you’re living the dream, what happens when your dog is barking during your big conference call with a client or boss? What do you do when you realize you spent the last half hour petting your dog, rather than finishing your spreadsheet? Changing your workspace can be confusing for both you and your dog, so today, we’re giving our best tips for creating a work at home routine for your dog.

Stick To Your Routine (As Much As Possible)

If this is your first time really working from home, you may be tempted to stay up later and sleep in. In this case, Fido will only become more confused about what’s happening, and may become anxious about when he’s going to be fed and taken on his daily walks. For your dog’s sake, try to keep waking up around the same time and stick to the established routine as much as possible. By maintaining the same schedule, your dog will adjust better to this new life change - and you’ll probably become more productive, too.

Set Designated Dog Time

If you have a cute pair of puppy eyes staring at you all day, there’s no question that you’ll get distracted from work. On the other hand, completely ignoring your dog all day could make her more desperate for your attention, which may result in an increase of bad behavior. To make life easier for both of you, schedule designated time where you can focus all your attention on your furry friend. To set your schedule, consider your office routine and schedule breaks during the times you normally take them. Is 10am your morning coffee break? Play a bit of tug-of-war while you’re sipping. Do you take an afternoon walk with your coworkers in the afternoon? Suit up and head out with your new furry “coworker.” Giving your dog attention at designated times can help you stay on track, reinforce obedience, and give you both some quality time together throughout the day.

Create A Dog-Free Workzone

As much as you love your dog, you may need to create a dog-free workzone. Having a separate workspace is a great solution for making sure your conference calls are distraction-free and staying productive. Giving your dog alone time is especially important if you’re only planning on working from home for a few weeks or months; spending every second with your pup could cause them to develop separation anxiety when you transition back to the office.

Make Sure To Take Walks

Working from home may tempt you to stay on the couch all day, but don’t forget about taking your dog on daily walks. Giving your dog enough exercise will tire them out and ensure they’re better behaved throughout the day. To make walks even more fun for both of you, try out a Freedom No-Pull Harness.

Give It Time

Working from home is a big change, and naturally, it will take both you and your dog some time to adjust to your new arrangement. Remember to be patient and stick to a routine. Before you know it, you and your dog will become perfectly in sync!

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